Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

Ep 15 // Easy Meal Planning for Busy Moms: 5 Simple Tips to Simplify Your Meal Planning Routine

Meal planning is a hot topic for a lot of us. While it’s something some of us love to do, there are plenty of us who absolutely dread this…to the point of not even doing it which leaves us feeling more stressed, eating more unhealthy, spending more money, and making it more difficult to eat wholesome food around the dinner table together as a family. Meal planning doesn’t have to be difficult. 

This episode is all about sharing easy meal-planning tips for you as a busy working Mom. To help you transform stressful mealtimes into family bonding moments. 

Are you one who finds meal planning daunting? I totally get it! Listen in on today's episode because easy strategies are being shared to make it all a breeze! Say goodbye to stress, unhealthy eating, and last-minute trips to the grocery store or the nearest fast food drive thru. 

Listen in as simple techniques are shared that empower you to prioritize family time, while potentially saving both time and money. Meal plan with confidence and ease!


Want to check out what the meal cards are all about? Join the Facebook community by clicking the link down below! I also share weekly scheduling templates to map out your week and dinners in the group!  




Connect with Me:
- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community
- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms
- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker
- Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com



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