Thursday Dec 07, 2023

Ep 27 // The Blessing of Slowing Down - How to Invite More Slow Living Into Your Life and Feel Less Mom Guilt

Life is going by in lightspeed. Sometimes, depending on the season we are in, we feel better about that reality than other times. When we are doing life so fast, it’s hard to enjoy the present and live in gratitude…whether we are in the holiday season or not.


The art of slowing down, and implementing slow living in your life is a concept that I work within my coaching and I believe it’s something that all of us can attain no matter who we are and our circumstances. It’s all about making small and steady changes to your daily life. You don’t need to worry about changing your lifestyle drastically overnight.

Slow living is more about making your life easier and more enjoyable.

Cultivating an atmosphere for you and your family to live a more balanced life, where it’s easier to acknowledge the world around you and what and who you have in it. But usually when and if we actually get around to making some much needed changes, Mom-guilt likes to creep in.

So that is what we are unpacking a bit today. How to invite more slow living into your life. A life where you are building a more meaningful and conscious lifestyle that is more in line with what you value most in life without feeling the dreaded weight of mom guilt. I want to affirm you in making little changes that actually make an impact helping you live more in the “present”.


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