Tuesday Jan 09, 2024

Ep 29 // Empowering Christian Working Moms: 3 Ways You Can Nurture Self-Kindness in the Middle of Life’s Demands

Today’s world requires us to be “on” all the time. To keep up a pace that leaves us with moments where we crash and burn, full of stress and overwhelm, leaving us feeling completely depleted and like we aren’t doing good enough. It’s a vicious cycle that many of us are caught in and don’t even realize.

There’s no grace for slowing down. How are we supposed to function from a place of abundance in the middle of all this chaos?

Many of us recognize the importance of kindness, and as moms, it’s a quality we want our children to learn and exercise toward others. Still, when it comes to ourselves as women and as moms, we neglect to extend that same kindness and compassion to ourselves when getting through our days.

Practicing self-kindness involves speaking to ourselves with love and compassion. Understanding that mistakes are part of life but that they do not shape our identity and who we are. Juggling the responsibilities of a working mom is challenging, yet constantly criticizing ourselves and feeling inadequate makes it feel nearly impossible to function the way God created us to live.

Our lives are made up of both big and small reactions to the circumstances of our lives and we need to be diligent in calling upon God’s word and leaning into His truth outside of ourselves and individual circumstances. The Lord asks us to be faithful to Him. 

He asks us to be faithful to Him in what He has given us. So for us as working moms, this means being faithful as a believer, as a woman, as a wife, and as a mom. We have a Savior who chose to do life with us and to help us along the way which is so beautiful.


May we all be working Moms, who first and foremost seek God, and learn to care for our souls so we can pour into others in more genuine, graceful ways.

Today’s episode is all about choosing love and joy and how we can show ourselves more kindness as we move about our days.


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- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community
- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms
- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker
- Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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