Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

Ep 35 // Navigating Work & Motherhood: Abiding in Christ Despite Daily Demands

Today, we are talking about the challenges faced by working moms and finding strength in abiding with Christ amidst the chaos of daily life. We explore the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God over the never-ending to-do lists that often consume our days.


Some of the key points that we cover are:

  1. The Struggle of Balancing Work and Motherhood: As working moms, our schedules often overflow with commitments and responsibilities. We discuss the challenges of finding time for ourselves and our faith amidst the busyness of life.

  2. The Temptation of Self-Reliance: It's easy to fall into the trap of relying solely on our own abilities and strengths to get through each day. We explore the dangers of this mindset and the importance of leaning on Christ for guidance and support.

  3. The Invitation to Abide in Him: Jesus calls us to abide in Him, to remain connected to the true source of strength and peace. We discuss practical ways to cultivate a deeper relationship with Christ and find rest in His presence.

  4. Prioritizing Being Over Doing: In a world that values productivity and accomplishment, we're reminded of the importance of focusing on who we are becoming rather than what we are doing. We explore the transformative power of abiding in Christ and allowing Him to shape our hearts and minds.

  5. Practical Steps Towards Transformation: We share practical tips for incorporating prayer, reflection, and scripture into our daily routines. By positioning ourselves to hear from God and aligning our actions with His will, we can experience true transformation in our lives.

Join us on this journey of faith and motherhood as we learn to abide in Christ despite the growing to-do list. Together, we'll find strength, encouragement, and hope in the midst of life's challenges. Tune in to this episode and discover the joy of living in intimate communion with our Savior.



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Connect with Lindsay:
- Free FB Community: Faith Led Working Moms Community
- Instagram: FaithLedWorkingMoms
- LinkedIn: Lindsay Walker
- Email: lindsaywalkerllc@gmail.com

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